Non-linear Models

Learning Objectives

  • Learners can identify a nonlinear model, and discuss the differences between linear and nonlinear models
  • Learners can use scipy.optimize to fit a nonlinear model to data.
  • Learners can calculate and display model residuals for nonlinear models

Unfortunately, linear models don’t always fit our data. As shown before, they might produce large and systematic fit error, or they might produce parameter values that don’t make sense. In these cases, we might need to fit a non-linear model to our data. Non-linear models are mathematically expressed as:

\(\bf{y} = f(\bf{x}_1, \bf{x}_2, ... \bf{x}_n, \bf{\beta}) + \epsilon\),

Where \(f()\) can be almost any function you can think of that takes \(x\)’s and \(\beta\)’s as input. The problem is that, in contrast to the linear models, there is no formula that you can just plug your function and data into and derive the values of the parameters.

One way to find the value of the parameters for a given model is to use optimization. In this process, the computer systematically tries out different values of \(\beta\) and finds a set of these values that minimizes the SSE relative to the data.

Introducing scipy

The scipy library contains many functions that are useful in a variety of scientific computing tasks.

If you import the library, you will see that it is composed of a variety of sub-modules, each devoted to a different set of algorithms, or a topic:

SciPy: A scientific computing package for Python

Documentation is available in the docstrings and
online at

SciPy imports all the functions from the NumPy namespace, and in
addition provides:

Using any of these subpackages requires an explicit import.  For example,
``import scipy.cluster``.


 cluster                      --- Vector Quantization / Kmeans
 fftpack                      --- Discrete Fourier Transform algorithms
 integrate                    --- Integration routines
 interpolate                  --- Interpolation Tools
 io                           --- Data input and output
 linalg                       --- Linear algebra routines
 linalg.blas                  --- Wrappers to BLAS library
 linalg.lapack                --- Wrappers to LAPACK library
 misc                         --- Various utilities that don't have
                                  another home.
 ndimage                      --- n-dimensional image package
 odr                          --- Orthogonal Distance Regression
 optimize                     --- Optimization Tools
 signal                       --- Signal Processing Tools
 sparse                       --- Sparse Matrices
 sparse.linalg                --- Sparse Linear Algebra
 sparse.linalg.dsolve         --- Linear Solvers
 sparse.linalg.dsolve.umfpack --- :Interface to the UMFPACK library:
                                  Conjugate Gradient Method (LOBPCG)
 sparse.linalg.eigen          --- Sparse Eigenvalue Solvers
 sparse.linalg.eigen.lobpcg   --- Locally Optimal Block Preconditioned
                                  Conjugate Gradient Method (LOBPCG)
 spatial                      --- Spatial data structures and algorithms
 special                      --- Special functions
 stats                        --- Statistical Functions

Utility tools

 test              --- Run scipy unittests
 show_config       --- Show scipy build configuration
 show_numpy_config --- Show numpy build configuration
 __version__       --- Scipy version string
 __numpy_version__ --- Numpy version string

To use any one of these sub-modules, we’ll need to import it specifically.

For example:

This module contains many functions that deal with various optimization tasks and implement many different algorithms for optimization. We’ll focus here on one of these functions, curve_fit, which systemtatically searches for the parameters that mimize the squared errors of a function relative to data.

Optimization in practice

Let’s now consider the steps you will need to take in fitting a non-linear model.

Defining the model

To perform optimization, we need to define the functional form of our model. For this kind of data, a common model to use (e.g in work by Yu and Levi) is a cumulative Gaussian function. The Gaussian distribution is parameterized by 2 numbers, the mean and the variance, so as in the linear model shown above, this model has 2 parameters:

\(y(x) = \frac{1}{2}[1 + erf(\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma \sqrt{2} })]\),

where \(erf\) is the so-called ‘error function’, that is implemented in scipy.special (from scipy import special).

The doc-string already tells you one reason that we might want to use this function for this kind of data: one of the parameters of the function (mu) is simply the definition of the PSE. So, if we find this parameter, we already have the PSE in hand, without having to do any extra algebra.

Let’s plot a few exemplars of this function, just to get a feel for them:

Cumulative Gaussian functions
Cumulative Gaussian functions

Optimizing and finding the parameters

To find the best parameters for the data, we will use the curve_fit function. This function takes as input a function, and data:

The first output contains the parameter estimates, and the second output is their covariance. This might be useful to know, but using the covariance is beyond the scope of this lesson.

As with the linear model, we would like to see how well the data fits the model.

Non-linear model fit

  1. Write the code that plots the model estimate and the actual data.
  2. Calculate the residuals and SSE of this model.
  3. What is the PSE of this model for both conditions (orthogonal and parallel)? Is this model better than the linear model?

In the next section we will see that there is more than even two ways to skin this cat. We’ll also introduce a powerful and general method for comparisons between different models, called cross-validation.

Click here for the next section.