Over the time that I have developed software with Python, I have grown to like a rather specific workflow for discovering and addressing bugs. I like to think of this workflow as fairly efficient. I might start with a few simple tests of the code that I am writing, to make sure that I am on the right path, and that the code runs through, producing reasonable outputs for some set of simple outputs. I use pytest as a test harness, and so a typical development cycle might look like:

  • Start to develop some new code.
  • Pretty early on write some tests for this code (sometimes, but frankly rather rarely I might even start with the tests, aka test-driven development or TDD).
  • Iterate:
    • Run the tests (usually that will fail first time through)
    • Fix up the code
    • Run the tests; stop when they pass.
  • Go back to the code and hone the ideas (yes, I often don’t really know what I need to do until I start doing it…)
  • Iterate:
    • Run the tests.
    • Fix up the code and/or the tests (at this point, I might discover the tests that I originally wrote are not the right ones).
    • Run the tests; stop when they pass.
  • Etc.

This is nice. In the Python/pytest setting. The fixing up part often requires knowledge of the state of the program at various points. This is because at the point where something needs fixing, I am usually facing some kind of bug in my code, and without the ability to explore the state of the program (i.e., the values of variables within the program up and down the stack), it is sometimes hard to know what’s wrong. Pytest enables this kind of examination by using the --pdb flag. This means that when tests are run with (using a recent example):

pytest afqinsight/tests/test_parametric.py --pdb

When the program hits an error, it will drop me into good old pdb, which is the Python debugging environment. If I am getting results that don’t make sense, I will often need to introduce “break points” into the program. That is, I will want to examine the program failing at a point earlier from the point at which the error is raised. This is because, for example, by the time an assertion error is raised in my tests, the state of the program that produced the error is no longer inspectable. One sneaky way to do this is to insert a 1/0 into the code at the point at which you want to examine the state of the program. This will raise a ZeroDivisionError, at which point the program will drop me into pdb, and I can get to work (I believe I may have picked this one up from Matthew Brett, when I was wet behind the ears.) I have been doing this for so long that writing the “appropriate” code for inserting a breakpoint (import pdb; pdb.set_trace()) seems like that many too many characters. By the way, this approach works just as well if I am not doing development on the command line, but I am instead working inside of a Jupyter notebook and I hit some results that don’t make sense. This is thanks to the Jupyter debug magic command, which also drops me into the debugger at the point at which an error was raised. This is all good and simple.

However, I more recently started developing software in R (here), and I have been hankering for a similar workflow. Much of what I described above does work quite well. For example, R provides an excellent test harness in the testthat library, so I can replicate my quasi-TDD development cycle quite nicely (adding in frequent visits to R documentation, stack overflow and google to figure out how to do the most basic things in this language, because I am quite clueless about it for now.)

but when it comes to debugging, testthat seems to completely resists the kind of facilities that I have been accustomed to in my Python development. For example, there is no way (that I could figure out) to run testthat in a way that would drop you into a debugging session when an error is raised(either in the test code, or in the program that is exercised by the test), which would be akin to the --pdb flag . So, for example, if I am working in the zsh shell (because, yes, I am a cliche) and execute:

Rscript -e "devtools::test()"1

Errors will get recorded and reported, but as far as I can tell, there is no input to the test function that will make R stop running when it hits that error and would drop me into an interactive debugging session. If I introduce breakpoints into the code by introducing browser() calls into the code, testthat will happily report that a browser debugging session happened, but will just keep going. So, how does one (especially one as inexperienced with R as me) make any progress debugging their code?

Enter Positron

So here’s what I end up doing (for now?). I use the newly-launched Positron IDE. I would’ve preferred to be in VS Code (my usual text editor) for all this, but fortunately, it’s a fork of VS Code, so I am pretty close to where I want to be. I can still use the terminal to run the tests and identify failures, repeating my development-cycle-of-choice but in addition, I also add to the top of each of my test files (haven’t done it yet, to be completely honest, but it might happen soon)


and append to all the calls to library code the necessary tractable::, so that when the test file is run independently in a Positron session, the code can be run and all the functions that are defined within the tests can properly be found by R. Thus, I open up the test files and ask Positron to run them for me, and when I do that, I can now hit the calls to browser and Positron will conveniently drop me into a browser session, where I can haplessly bumble through the variable defined in my code and try to make sense of things. For now, that seems to solve the main problem for me, and I can get on causing some real damage. I will also add that the Makefile I have for this library also has a make reinstall rule, which runs:

R CMD REMOVE tractable

Because I can’t figure out how to install an R package in “editable” mode (i.e., the equivalent to the Python pip install -e flag), so whenever I make any changes to the code, I can run:

make reinstall
make test

to see what I’ve broken this time.

  1. Natch, I actually run make test because that’s too many characters to be typing into a terminal every time I want to test my code.